It’s Pizza time

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An authentic Italian pizza. You will not miss gluten

Are you celiac? I’m pretty sure pizza is on your cravings list.

Pizza is one of my favorite dinners. Mostly, and I don’t know why, special for a Friday night.

Here you have a fairly simple recipe, in a few minutes you will have prepared the dough. But… like any pizza, you need a little time (and patience) to let the dough rise. In total, you need about 4 hours.  Be patient and don’t give up. Theresult is a spectacular Italian style pizza.

I had to bring this prepared pizza for a friends meeting, so the pizza did not get hot. I have to say that the dough has stayed quite well, even a bit crusty on the edges after several hours of cooking, which really pleasantly surprised me as many gluten free doughs become gummy or so hard that it is impossible to eat them after some hours or even minutes!


Ingredients for the dough

(For 2 pizzas of 25 cm diameter)


350 gr of white gluten-free bread flour (I have used Dallagiovanna’s flour)

15 gr fresh yeast

15 gr of olive oil (and some extra oil to stretch the dough)

225 ml of water (at room temperature)

1 teaspoon fine salt

Tomato sauce, mozzarella, oregano, olives …



Separate 1/3 part of water and dissolve the yeast in it. Cover with a plastic wrap and leave it for a few minutes. With the rest of water (2/3 parts), dissolve the salt and reserve. Place the flour in a bowl. Add the oil, the water with the dissolved yeast and a part of the salted water. Mix all ingredients.

Add the rest of the water and continue the kneading for about 5 minutes if you do with a kneader (doubles at least the time if you do it by hand). Knead until you have smooth, springy dough.

Separate the dough into 2 parts. Shape the dough into a ball. Place each ball of dough separately in round baking dish 25 cm diameter where you will previously accommodate a baking paper.  Anoint hands with oil. Stretch the dough by pressing with your hands. Pay attention to stretch in a way to obtain a uniform thickness, with the edge slightly thicker.

Cover with a damp cloth and place in a warm room for about two hour.

Preheat the oven to 200 ºC and cook the pizza for about 5-7 minutes, until you see that the surface has started to dry and the dough is not raw. Remove from oven and distribute tomato sauce. Return to the oven for another 5 minutes. Remove and add the sliced mozzarella and other extra ingredients of your choice. Return the pizza to the oven and cook for another final 5 minutes. And ready to serve and devour!







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